Well WWDC 2014 has come and gone and while there was plenty of exciting news about the future of Apple’s operating systems, both on mobile and desktop, there were no announcement for new devices as many rumor experts had predicted. If you were like the millions of others that tuned in to see this year’s live stream of the keynote, you may have zoned out while Tim Cook and friends were showing off the bevy of new features coming to iOS8 and OS X Yosemite this fall.
WWDC, for those that might not know, stands for World Wide Developers Conference, and this year it was all about the developers. Much of the conversation on the keynote stage was directed at the development crowd. Apple unveiled a ton of new tools and improvements to others for the developers that make apps for our favorite devices. Which means that we should be seeing some great innovation when it comes to apps in the very near future. One of the biggest things that Apple announced is the ability for developers to now access the fingerprint ID which has, up until now, been only for Apple. This means that very soon you may be able to sign into your bank app with just a touch of your finger!
Beyond the excitement that the developers were feeling, we the common users have plenty to get jazzed up about too! The new iOS 8 looks to build upon the solid base of iOS 7 and continue to improve with new gestures and a much more integrated platform between your Apple devices. Plenty of smart type features and a better notification center.
And for desktops, we will be getting the latest version of OS X, named Yosemite. Seems like the days of naming the operating systems after cats is now behind us as we enter the world of Yosemite which will bring us an updated interface and a more integrated experience between Apple devices. Apple showed us how we will be able to start typing an email on our iPhone while on the go and be able to pick up on our Mac to finish it, pretty neat stuff! There’s so much little stuff in these new OS’s that they add up to big news and I look forward to this fall when we can all get our hands on them. Stay tuned to this blog for updates on when Apple will finally announce new devices, like the long rumored iPhone 6.