The end of summer and the early days of autumn don’t necessarily make one think about new fonts but that’s exactly what’s on our minds around here! While the leaves are slowly turning brilliant colors and the days are growing shorter, we are swimming in a pool of brand new fonts fresh from our very own font foundry, SummitType.
As the creative director I get to see these fonts up close and personal from their initial conception right up to their completion and I have to admit, we have a lot of new and exciting type faces coming your way! Our first set of new fonts have been put together into a collection aimed at educators and teachers. We have our new 50 Classroom Fonts collection, that also comes with some really cool graphic clip art, that showcases fonts that are perfect for those teachers that like to add some creativity to their classrooms. There are fonts to make posters, newsletters, banners, scrapbooks or any other project, but there are also a collection of unique fonts made to help teachers create custom worksheets. We have introduced typefaces that display as fractions (in a few different styles) that make creating math lessons a snap. You’ll also see some “ruled” fonts that use the classic 3 line ruled paper as part of the font itself that can be used for handwriting and spelling lessons. We’ve heard from many teachers that use our fonts over the years and we are proud to deliver the number one requested font styles in this new collection.
We’ve also been busy adding even more style and variety to our already incredible FontPack Pro Master Collection that now boasts over 7,600 fonts! That’s right, we’ve just added over 1,400 brand new, never been seen before, fonts to our library of type styles. These are some of the best fonts I’ve seen in awhile and the range of styles is truly impressive. I’ve been testing them for a few months and I have to admit that more than a handful have found their way into some of my design work over that time, but don’t tell anyone, these fonts weren’t supposed to be out in the world at the time!
As a designer fonts are the backbone of my creative process. No matter if I’m creating a logo, a newsletter, a poster or whatever, the first thing I look for is the right fonts for the job. Once I find the fonts that represent the look and feel of the project I know the rest will fall in place, and having this extended collection at my disposal is proving to be an invaluable tool.